Really, I do! Despite what was an AMAZING year so far, I've had a lot of ups and downs alone the way.
January started off great, I got in the BEST SHAPE OF MY LIFE in February and March doing the 21-Day Fix, went on an amazing all expenses paid Caribbean cruise with Beachbody in March... and I've really struggled ever since then. I've struggled with my nutrition, my workouts, stress, getting down on myself, and over time all those "little" things added up to me feeling like crap on the inside, not loving how I had let myself go on the outside, and gaining more weight than I'd like to admit. (Maybe once I lose it I'll let you know the exact #. Not a proud moment!)
I've had more than enough pity parties for myself, and I'm well aware that I have COMPLETE CONTROL over everything. I control what I eat, if I skip my workouts or not, and even though I may not be able to control certain situations, I CAN control how I respond, and that ownership is HUGE in fighting excuses. (And trust me, excuses are EASY to come up with!)
As you many know, I'm hosting my first ever Diet Bet challenge this month (which you are more than welcome to join!), and I was thinking about what I want to accomplish in these next 4 weeks. What are my goals... how much do I want to lose, how do I want to feel, and most importantly WHY. I was also started thinking back to when I was in the best shape of my life and what I was doing differently then... and then it dawned on me.... I had ACCOUNTABILITY. Not only was I sharing what I was doing on my facebook wall to hold myself accountable, but I was sharing it with YOU! I was writing my weekly meal plans out with my workouts and sharing them to help you succeed. I knew that what ever I did (or didn't do!) would have to end up on that paper (or blog or email) and that was enough to keep me motivated.
Lack of accountability is why so many people start new diets and workouts and fail.
Picture a chair with 4 legs, pretty sturdy, right? Now take one of those legs away, 3 legs is still going to work. What happens if you take another leg away? You're left with a chair with 2 legs. Have you ever seen one of those? Of course not! It wouldn't be able to stand! Your health is the same. One leg is your workouts, another leg is your nutrition, a third leg is your personal development (which I'll get into in a second) and the forth leg is accountability. To have a strong, sturdy chair, and get LIFELONG results, you need all four legs.
Personal development is probably the most overlooked leg in health and weight loss. I think we've all heard someone say or have said to ourselves, "If I only lose x amount of weight I'll be happy." Unfortunately, most of the time that's not true! We lose the weight, but we're still the same people on the INSIDE. We need to constantly be working on ourself... our beliefs about ourselves, our confidence, our self esteem, the way we talk to ourselves on a daily basis... or we'll never be able to truly grow as a person. I talk a lot about personal development with the coaches I work with and train, but rarely with YOU, and I'm sorry! From now on I promise to share more about that.
It means be on the lookout for my meal plans again in the upcoming weeks (hold me to it!) It means I'm going to be sharing more of my struggles with you so you can relate to what I'm going through and it can help you if you're going through the same things (and prove that I am in fact human!) And it means I'm also going to be sharing the personal development I'm doing so you can grow yourself as a person as well. Exciting stuff, right!?
This month I'm reading the book You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero... and I kind of feel like that last person I know to read it. Everyone's been raving about it!
Oh yeah, and I almost forgot... ;) I know how much you loved the workout Insanity with Shaun T, but had a hard time fitting in the workouts because some where an hour long.... well, just because I love you, Christmas comes early... as in a BRAND NEW 30 minute Insanity... how's TODAY sound? Keep your eye on your emails, I'll let you know as soon as it drops this afternoon!!