At first glance, the front of the package boldly states "perfect nutrition bars". So this is what "perfect nutrition" looks like? All of the green highlighted ingredients are added SUGARS and all of the blue ones are GMO SOY. And the other ingredients? I could highlight this entire ingredient list in different nasty food colors.
And don't worry, if I come to your house I won't snoop your pantry unless you want me to. This was family (who are too smart to eat this crap!) and so I made myself at home. ;)
And again this week, I found this. Scott and I recently started a bodybuilding workout that we've had great results with in the past. Each time we do this program, we make a recovery drink mixture out of grape juice and a couple other ingredients. (You can find our results and our recovery drink recipe HERE.) This time we've been using apple juice because we've been having such a hard time finding REAL grape juice, check out these first 3 ingredients! But you've got to love how they label it as having "100% Vitamin C" so it *sounds* healthy.
Here's how you FIGHT BACK against companies who are trying to sell you CRAP labeled as healthy food.
1. Ignore everything on the front of the package (especially the fake "healthy talk"!)
2. Flip the package over
3. Skip past the carbs, protein, and fat (FOR REAL!! This doesn't tell you WHAT is making up those macronutrients)
4. Go straight to the ingredient list and see how many things you can pronounce and know what they are
When I first started changing my diet almost 10 years ago, I got really into nutrition, so much that it now comes second nature to me, and I forget just how far I've come. (I once lost 15 lbs on Weight Watchers by eating deli meat, baked Cheetos, WW chocolate cakes and Diet Mountain Dew only to gain that, and more, back, so yeah, I've been there!) After seeing these two *food* packages recently, I promise to share with you more of the info I have picked up over the years, so stay tuned!
If there's a *food* you'd like me to check out, please let me know. Until then, I'll be the crazy lady in the grocery store taking pics of all the *healthy foods*. ;)
And as always, please share this, this is something people NEED to know!