- Log in to your Team Beachbody account
- Scroll aaaalllllllll the way down to the bottom
- Look for the Success Stories on the bottom right and click on Submit your Story
- Fill out the questions and upload your photos (Note: if you get an error uploading your photos, try making them smaller and trying again)
- Beachbody will send you a free shirt for the workout you completed and you'll be automatically entered into the Beachbody Challenge to win cash prizes!
Did you know that you can win cash prizes just for submitting your results using Beachbody workouts and Shakeology? Seriously! Once a month, you can send in your before and after photos to be entered into the Beachbody Challenge contest. Every day (Yes! Every day!) one winner is chosen to win $500! From those $500 daily winners, winners are chosen monthly to win $1,000, then quarterly to win $2,500... and then once a year at the annual Beachbody Coach Summit, two winners (one male and one female) are chosen to win $100,000 each, and the runner ups go home with $25,000 each! We've already had a couple winners on our team, too. Both Herb and Melanie won $500 each for sending in their winning transformations! We even have a teammate who went on to be one of the finalists at Beachbody Coach Summit and ended up coming home with $25,000 after losing over 90 lbs with P90X!! So how do YOU enter?? It's easy! If you need extra help staying accountable with your goals, be sure to reach out! I'm always running monthly challenge groups on facebook to help people stay on track and I'm only a facebook message or email away!
Yay! P90X3 is coming out TODAY!!! This program is going to be amazing! The people who were in the test group got amazing results (see video above!) I’m happy to announce that I will be forming my own TEST GROUP starting Monday, January 6th. Beachbody can guarantee a Christmas delivery if you order by the 15th of the month. So don’t delay!
In order to be in my test group, you must place your order by clicking here. The opportunity to be in my January Test Group is open to people who order through me and to my existing customers. It is not available to people who are already working with another Beachbody coach. You can message me at [email protected] or contact me here should you have any questions about the test group. *Note: the best value is the Challenge Pack, which includes P90X3 and a monthly supply of Shakeology. The price will go up to from $180 to $205 in December. Bought separately, you would pay $240. Have P90X3 related questions? Click here for a P90X3 FAQ sheet! I've been getting so many messages with questions about P90X3 that I've decided to answer them all in one spot!
Q: When does P90X3 come out? A: December 10th!!! Q: How long are the workouts? A: 30 min. long with the exception of Ab Ripper X3 which is 15 min. Q: What are the workouts like? A: There are 16 workouts total, ranging from circuit training and weights, plyometrics, MMA, yoga and pilates. Q: What kind of equipment do I need? A: You need hand weights and either a resistance band or pull up bar. Q: How long is the entire program? A: It's 90 days, broken up into 3 phases, and there is also an additional, optional phase that can be done after the first 90 days, which is 4 weeks long. Q: Do I need to have done P90X and/or P90X2 first? A: Nope! Q: Is there a vegan meal plan? A: Yes!!! There are vegan options!!! :) Q: When do I need to order it to get it by Christmas? A: December 15th at midnight Q: Are there any specials going on for it? A: YES!! For the month of December, already discounted P90X3 challenge packs are on sale for another $25 off. This means you get an entire month of Shakeology for over 1/2 off... that's less than I pay! Q: What if I also want to become a coach? A: You can get the same amazing deal for the challenge pack, and your one-time coach sign up fee will be waived, saving you even more money! I'm going to be doing it myself the SECOND I get my hands on it and I'll be putting together a facebook group for others who are doing it with me. To be one of the first people to know when it's released, sign up for my free coaching HERE and I'll keep you up to date! |
JulieFormer esthetician & LMT turned #GIRLBOSS, vegan food & fitness, travel, beauty, FUN!! Veg-curious friendly ☀️👙🌴✌🏻️ Archives
September 2015