Herb's $500 winning Power 90 results![]() "I had a beer gut, got winded climbing stairs, and couldn't play with my 3 young kids very long. Plus, I over-ate constantly. I could easily eat a quart and a half of ice cream in one sitting, topped with chocolate sauce. For me, the change came when one day when my wife said, 'I'm doing Power 90, and you should too." I thought she was nuts. But, there’s only so much begging from your kids to play before you say, "I have to do something about this." So I went for it.
The biggest challenge was, "Just Press Play." I had to confront my fear about failing this program. I couldn’t let my kids down. The Facebook Challenge Group really helped. I felt 'naughty' if I missed a workout or didn't check in with a post each day. It was fun to share pics and post in the group. Plus, drinking Shakeology got me energized and over the hump of eating poorly. 90 days later, I don’t miss that gut! I lost 14 pounds, 11 of them just fat. And thanks mostly to Shakeology, I reduced my LDL cholesterol from 150 to 127 (it's still going down). It used to kill me when my kids would ask to be carried on my shoulders, and I couldn't do it very long. Now, I can’t wait for them to ask for a ride. I feel like I can keep them there for days!" Scott's Body Beast results![]() Dianna's Insanity results![]() Dianna is a GREAT example of why we stress taking before pictures. She didn't feel like she was getting the results she wanted... until she saw her pictures side by side! Now she's a believer and on to her 2nd round of Insanity!
Julie's Ultimate Reset results![]() I did the Ultimate Reset 21-day cleanse in August 2012 and had amazing results! The food was soooo good and not only did I lose 8.6 lbs while not working out, I also lowered my cholesterol and blood sugar levels!
Ericka's P90X results![]() Ericka had amazing results with P90X, she lost weight, built her confidence, alleviated back pain and felt great on the inside and out. She's now decided to pay it forward by becoming a coach herself!
www.beachbodycoach.com/ericka925 Julie's Body Beast results![]() These are Julie's results from her first (of many to come!) round of Body Beast! Please don't be afraid of lifting heavy, women, you won't bulk up! :)