I feel AMAZING! I can't believe I wasn't going to do the Reset!!! I thought it was too expensive and I was already on a good path and didn't want to be too restrictive and then binge (which is what I would normally do). This has been worth every penny! I have to force myself to eat as I'm never hungry! Drinking water ever 5 minutes it feels like! I feel so clean and light and energized! I have been up since 5 am and I feel like I've had about 3 coffees! I am on a natural adrenaline rush right now! I just feel so healthy and I'm so glad all those toxins are leaving my body! -Anita, Ultimate Reset participant
Just feeling the need to share what I've been feeling.....
There used to be a time when I would start an exercise & diet program and then after a week or so I would step on the scale and see that I lost a few pounds then look in the mirror & see a bit of difference then put on a pair of pants & they would be a little looser & that would be good enough for me. But there is something different about p90x! I'm happy with the diet because it's real food & food that I normally buy. I love doing the workouts & look forward to the next workout. I love the results I'm getting! I'm not trying to get "skinny" anymore I just want to be healthy! Now when I step on the scale, look in the mirror & put on my pants I'm proud of what I've done & I'm excited to keep going because I know that I can do it and I'm not afraid anymore! I just want to also add that at work this week we are celebrating customer appreciation week & they provided us with doughnuts for breakfast today I passed on them! But in the past I would have cheated & told myself it's ok just this one time. But now I ask myself "Will this help me get closer to my goal?" I'm a believer that people are brought into your life for a reason... I checked out Henderson fitness then friended Julie to see what this was all about. In June I ordered p90x and posted a picture on Facebook to let people know what I was about to do. Then Julie messaged me about it and added me to the groups. It was a very busy summer so p90x got pushed to the bottom of my to do list & I did it when I had time. Then the 90 days to a new you came along and the prize of $100.00. I have to say at 1st I was doing it for the money but my focus has changed, don't get me wrong the money is a nice prize but I feel that I have already won the prize my health! I'm so excited to continue this challenge & to continue on with this once it's over! Thank You Julie & Scott, Thank You to all who are in the group! Your support and motivation do more then you will ever know! -Ericka, P90X Challenge Group participant